Editing and Publishing

Our company is also able to follow the whole process of transforming a text into a book ready for publishing. We act as a facilitating link between the author, the translator and the process with which a text becomes a book or publication. We take care of the layout, the addition of photographs, captions, tables, and so on. Working closely with the customer, graphic artists, proofreaders and printers we carefully examined the different layouts and proofs, recommending improvements where needed and then proceeding with printing only when we get the go-ahead. For publications in a foreign language, the translator performs a final revision of the proofs to check for proper line breaks and hyphenations. We take care of Editing and Publishing.

Over the years, Intras Congressi has handled the translations, revisions, editing and final publication of numerous European projects, conference proceedings, scientific articles and so on.

  • Adrimob   – Province of Ravenna
  • Adristorical Lands – Province of Ravenna
  • Wit – Province of Milan
  • Carso 2014 – Province of Gorizia
  • Drinkadria – AATO 3 – Macerata
  • Leave no one Behind – University of Bologna
  • Emilia Romagna Region – Regional Health Service